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About Our University

Sinai University was established refereeing to the presidential decree number 363 for year 2005 in accordance to provisions of law number 101 year 1992 regarding the private Universities which was replaced by law number 12 year 2009 regarding the private and civil Universities and its executive regulations issued by the presidential decree number 302 for year 2010.

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Take a tour in SU Kantra and Arish campuses and you will find one of the best universities in Egypt. The video will take you to every places in the university.



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Education Services

Kingster University was established by John Smith in 1920 for the public benefit and it is recognized.

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International Hubs

Kingster University was established by John Smith in 1920 for the public benefit and it is recognized.

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Bachelor’s and Master’s

Kingster University was established by John Smith in 1920 for the public benefit and it is recognized.

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University Life

Kingster University was established by John Smith in 1920 for the public benefit and it is recognized.

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